What is this? ---------------------- This is an offensive word/search blocker. when user types any offensive word, it will run tnp.exe fullscreen program. Also, when user's current app's title contains any offensive words. How to use this program? ----------------------------- 1) Download tnp-v1.zip to your pc. 2) Unzip and put it in any folder. 3) Run the tnp.exe (ahk program). 4) Type anywhere: .dotnpg (to add to startup registry) (If not added to startup registry, add it manually to: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run) That's all, Over. if user types any offensive words, it will run and open: tnp-fs\TnpFullscreen.exe https://tamil-nadu-police-official-website-for-crime-and-offence-rec.indiabeeps.com/ And send Telegram msg to E3. Ahk hotstrings commands: -------------------------------------------------- :*X:.dotnpm::Msgbox, %A_ScriptFullPath% :*X:.dotnpr::Reloadme() :*X:.dotnpx::Exitme() :*X:.dotnpg::AddToRegistry()